The Dungeons and Dragons cartoon show was made in September 17, 1983, and ended December 7, 1985. The show focuses on 6 main characters aged between 8 and 15 that have magically been transported into the realm of Dungeons and Dragons by the Dungeon Master. The main goal of the show was for the children to learn valuable lessons and to work together in order to return home. However, the main antagonist Vengar who had similar abilities as the dungeon master was around every corner to keep the children trapped in this fantasy world forever. But with each of the children's magical weapons gifted by the Dungeon Master, they are able to fight back to foil Vengars many plans to destroy their friendship.
I wanted to redesign the characters because I saw that there were flaws in the representation of these characters. one of these flaws were that most of these “teenagers“ do not look like teenagers. they appear more like young adults, like Diana and Hank with his chiseled features. I also wanted to redesign this show because of my love of Dungeons and Dragons and the storys and lessons that are depictied